Having it all

Contribution by Prince Raymond

Having all the latest gadgets at my house means it’s become the meeting place for my entire family which wouldn’t be such a big deal if I didn’t have such a big family. I’ve got four brothers and sisters alone and man, when they all pile in here it’s like a sitcom or something. I let them watch whatever they want on the cable television and they of course always ask for beer or wine but man, it’s getting really expensive feeding all these people all the time. I love being so close to all my family members but I wish we could go back to the way it was where we’d all convene at mom and dad’s house for dinner on Sundays instead of my house every night of the week so they can watch all my “good” channels. I think I may have to get everyone satellite for Christmas to save myself some money in the end on food and board! I love them all but they’re driving me up the wall.
