Iron Chef America

Guest post from: Constance Rodgers

Have y’all ever watched Iron Chef America? I love that show! I could never get into it before when it was all the Asian chefs because I couldn’t relate to the food they were making but now that some of the Iron Chefs are people like Bobby Flay they’re making stuff I’d actually like to eat. I recently got satellite from www.DIRECT.TV and now I’ve been watching a lot more Tv than I ever did before but watching shows about competition and food make it somehow feel less like I’m wasting time than other reality stuff. Anyway, I really like when the secret ingredient is something absurd like Blue Cheese or something and they all try to make desserts out of it (why do they always make ice creams?) Alton Brown hosts it and I think he’s just hilarious with his dry sense of humor. I could hear him being sarcastic all day and never get tired of it! Keep it up, Alton, you’re doing god work over there at The Food Network!
